Teaching Evaluation - FAQ

Table of contents

What is the teaching evaluation?

The teaching evaluation process takes the form of a regular student survey on the quality of the modules they are currently studying.

How often are the evaluations performed?

The regular interval between teaching evaluations for each faculty / central unit is three semesters.

The schedule for upcoming evaluations can be viewed here.

Which modules are evaluated?

For each student, all of the modules completed or currently ongoing at the same of the evaluation are evaluated.

Modules which only start during the evaluation period or thereafter are not evaluated.

Which study programmes do not take part in HTW Berlin's teaching evaluation?

The cooperation programmes "Public and Nonprofit-Management" (PuMa) and "Nonprofit-Management and Public Governance" (MaNGo) are not included in HTW Berlin's teaching evaluation. Evaluation for the programmes PuMa and MaNGo are carried out by HWR Berlin.

For the cooperative programme "Angewandte Landschafts- und Feldarchäologie" (ALFA), the evaluation of the courses held at HTW Berlin is carried out by Freie Universität Berlin.

Why is the evaluation performed?

The teaching evaluation forms part of the HTW Berlin's quality management system for study and teaching and is one of the measures used to secure high quality of teaching.

The measures regarding evaluation set out in HTW Berlin's Principles for Quality Assurance in the Field of Studies and Teaching (PQAST) are based on guidelines released by Germany's Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs, the Berlin Higher Education Act and the Accreditation Board.

Why should students take part in the evaluation?

The teaching evaluation aims to find out the strengths and/or weaknesses of individual modules.

Student input is important when gathering data in this area.

The results of student feedback are used to develop concrete measures to improve teaching quality which ultimately lead to a better experience for students.

How is the evaluation performed? How do you take part?

The evaluation is performed online for all modules.

Students receive emails at their HTW email address inviting them to complete the evaluation with access links to the evaluations of their modules. Alternatively, participation can also take place via Moodle. There the students will find a list of all surveys in their account. They can see which courses they have already evaluated and how long the survey is still open.

The invite is sent to students registered on the module via the LSF.

How is anonymity ensured? Who processes the data?

Students participate in the teaching evaluation anonymously. The survey and evaluation of the results are subject to data protection legislation.

Data is processed and analysed by the software "evasys" from the company evasys GmbH.

The Central Office for University Development and Quality Management is responsible for conducting the evaluation. Your contact person is Stefanie Rose.

When do teaching staff receive the results?

Teaching staff will receive the evaluation results at the end of the survey period.

For how long can modules be evaluated?

The online teaching evaluation is accessible for a period of two weeks for all attended study programmes.

Distance-learning study programmes have a correspondingly longer evaluation period.

The exact evaluation period can be found in the invitation email.

Why do I receive multiple access links for some modules?

If a module is taught by multiple lecturers, multiple surveys are set up by the evaluation system.

One access link per survey, i.e. one link per lecturer per module, is generated.

Depending on the number of lecturers teaching on a single module, students may therefore receive multiple access links for the same module.

Is it possible to receive new access data if the original data is no longer available?

One week after the start of the survey, those students who still have surveys open receive a reminder email from the evaluation system with all unused access links.

In addition, the access links are also available in Moodle during the survey period.

The anonymity of the surveys means that it is not technically possible to provide further additional access data.

Can an evaluation be changed at a later date?

No, the access links are valid for one use only.

It is therefore not possible to save a partially complete evaluation and come back to it later or to make corrections.

How can I see which lecturers and which modules I am currently evaluating?

The names of the lecturer and the course can be found in the header of the online survey.

What do I need to be aware of when completing the survey?

Feedback on modules and lecturers should be offered in a constructive and appropriate form.

It is only possible to provide a meaningful evaluation of modules which you have actively attended.

Valid evaluation results enable lecturers to constructively analyse student feedback and implement this to the benefit of their students.

Which questionnaires are used?

Samples of the questionnaires used in the teaching evaluation can be viewed here.

Where can students view the evaluation results?

Individual results of the teaching evaluation are not available for data protection reasons. Aggregated reports are published here. The protected area is accessed with the HTW account data.