Accident insurance for students

When are students insured?

Accident insurance covers "students during education and further education at universities" (Section 2 no. 1 of the German Social Code (SGB) VII). It also includes excursions and library visits. Accident insurance likewise covers the journey between home and the place of study (Section 8 no. 2 SGB VII) and between home and the sports facility as well as participation in university sports. Activities relating to admission to study are also covered. Accident insurance does not cover you in the event of wilful intent or gross negligence or criminal acts.

Basic procedure

  • Report all accidents – even if you are unsure whether it will be recognised as a work accident:
    • For accidents that require medical treatment or cause other costs, fill out the accident report for students.
    • For accidents that do not require medical attention and do not cause any costs, please fill out the accident notification.
  • Go to a doctor (preferably one specialising in work-related accidents) rather than trying to medically treat yourself.
  • Unfallkasse Berlin will decide whether reportable accidents will be recognised for insurance purposes.
  • If you have any doubts or concerns, seek advice from the Safety Engineer.