DSH Exam registration

In order to study at HTW Berlin, you need sufficient knowledge of the German language. You can prove your language skills by successfully passing the "Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang" (DSH).

You can register for the DSH examination at HTW Berlin directly. The number of places is limited.

Application deadlines for degree programmes

Winter semester: 01 Apr - 30 Jun
(until 15 Jul for nationals of a member state of the European Union (EU) or another state party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA))

Summer semester: 01 Oct - 31 Dec

(until 15 Jan for nationals of a member state of the European Union (EU) or another state party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA))

DSH dates and times - for applications for winter semester 2024/2025

Registration periodDSH Information eventDSH written examDSH oral exam



15 Jauly2024



29 Aug 2024

When?     10:00am - 11:00am

Where?  tba


 03 Sept 2024

When?  09:00am-14:30pm

Where? tba


11/12 Sept 2024

 When?            09:00am-17:00pm


Where?    tba

Registration for DSH for external applicants

In particular, applicants interested in studying at HTW Berlin are eligible to participate.


Registration procedure


Please download the registration form here during the registration period.

Please send the registration form as an attachment by email with subject "DSH September 2024" to  ze-fremdsprachen@htw-berlin.de together with an officially recognised C1 language certificate for German by 15 July 2024 / 1pm at the latest.


Examination fee


130.00 EUR

Further information

The DSH involves a written and an oral examination. The written examination takes place before the oral examination. Both parts of the examination must be completed within the same examination period. If the DSH is passed with an overall result of at least DSH-2, this is considered proof of language proficiency for unrestricted admission or enrolment in all study programmes and degrees.

Please find more information here