Papon Kumar Dev
Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet
Construction and Real Estate Management (mit Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finnland);
Entwicklung Internationales und Alumni;
Lehre im Fach Immobilienmanagement und Facility Management
Green/Eco City and Sustainable Development,
LEED, BREEAM, DGNB, PEARL and GPRS Building/Neighborhood Certification
Real Estate Market and Feasibility Analysis
Climate Change Adaptation
Land Management and Development
“Emergence of Comprehensive Policy Framework for Solid Waste Management of Megacity Region: Case of Dhaka” Waste safe Journal, 2013. ISBN: 978-984-33-7045-7, KUET, Bangladesh.
Compost Fertilizer from Municipal Solid Wastes and its Application: A Case Study on Khulna City” Published by: “Bangladesh Institute of Planners, 2013; ISSN 2075-9363, Vol. 6, PP. 191-199
Revisiting disaster preparedness in coastal communities since 1970s in Bangladesh with an emphasis on the case of tropical cyclone Amphan in May 2020, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Volume 58, 2021, ISSN 2212-4209,
Evaluating Green Pyramid Rating System: Potentialities & Revival (November 25, 2017). 1st International Conference on Towards a Better Quality of Life, 2017, Available at SSRN: or
Waßmannsdorf: An Eco-Friendly Rural Center – (2018)-, Book published by TU Berlin.
Go Gouna – (2018)- Book published by TU Berlin.
Public Space Public Life – (2018)- Book published by TU Berlin.
Influence of Workplace on Residential Location Choice: A Study on Nirala and Sonadanga Residential Areas of Khulna City, Bangladesh; ISSN 1563-0897, Khulna University Studies, Vol- 10, Number 1 & 2, 2010
Exploring Vulnerability of Low-Income People Due to Consecutive Disasters: A Case Study on Kalapara Urban Area of Bangladesh” presented at “IDRC Davos 2016: "Integrative Risk Management- towards Resilient Cities” 2016. Access:
“Watershed Management for Dry Season Alternate Cropping in the Drought and Saline Prone Southwest Coastal Region of Bangladesh”, NCBA, 2012. Published in conference proceeding, can be accessed through the link
“Green Economy, Environment and Sustainable Development: Prospects in Global Context” Publish in the Journal Name: “Fera Aso Matir Tane” published by “Department of Environment-Khulna, Bangladesh”, 2012.
“The Urgency of Climate Refugees in Dhaka and Beyond”, The CityFix powered by World Resources Institute, June 2015. Link:
Fund Raising and Capacity Building (beside main teaching and research arena)
1. RESCUE (Refugees EducationSupport in MENA Countries) Project
Position: Project Coordinator (EU Grant)
2. Urban95 (Dhaka as Child-friendly City) Project
Position: Team Leader (Bernard Van Leer Foundation)
3. Urban Lab Camp
Position: Project Coordinator (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung)
4. Alumni Seminar and Development (2017-2022)
Position: Project Coordinator (DAAD-BMZ)
5. Urban Thinkers Campus
Position: Co-organizer and Researcher (GIZ)
6. El Gouna Community Forum
Position: Organizer and Moderator (Orascom Development)
Infos zur Lehre
Winter Semester
1. Kosten und Controlling im Resourcenmanagement (FM)
2. AWE Mentoring Studienstart am FB 2
3. Project Management and German Culture (ConREM)
Summer Semester
1. Case Study 03: International Business (ConREM)
2. Case Study 04: Real Estate Technology (ConREM)
Masters Thesis Supervision (ConREM)
Short profile/Kurzbiographie
Have more than 15 years of professional experience with universities or research institutions (e.g., Technical University Berlin, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, Khulna University Bangladesh, Wetland Resource Development Society etc.), national and international banks or NGOs (e.g., Bernard Van Leer Foundation, Save the Children, World Bank Group, Global2015 e.V., Shushilan etc.), consulting firms (e.g., Economic Research Group) and public institutes (e.g. Berlin Senate Department for Housing and Urban Development, Anti-corruption Commission Bangladesh etc.) on urban development, climate resilience, poverty reduction, and other community development issues in Asia, Europe and Africa.
Have completed B.Sc. in Urban and Rural Planning from Khulna University Bangladesh and M.Sc. in Urban Development with best student and best thesis awards. He has also completed his doctoral research on ‘Green Construction and Certification’ with ‘Sehr Gut’ grade.
Funktion und Organisationseinheit
Construction and Real Estate Management (M)
Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in -
FB2 Dekanat
Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in -
Fachbereich 2: Ingenieurwissenschaften - Technik und Leben
Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in