Anti-Discrimination Officers

Anti-Discrimination Directive

HTW Berlin is committed to being a safe, non-discriminatory and non-violent place to learn, teach and work. Objectives and measures are described in detail in the Anti-Discrimination Directive of HTW Berlin [PDF].

Action Plan

HTW Berlin is currently developing an Anti-Discrimination Action Plan in order to

  • enable easily accessible information and advisory services as well as empowerment and support formats;
  • include the topic of discrimination in the centralised and decentralised inaugural events for first-year students occurring on and off campus;
  • offer professional, sometimes mandatory, further training and supervision;
  • create conditions for barrier-free study
  • and create the spatial and technical conditions conducive to preventing fear and the occurrence of dangerous situations on the university campus.

You can document an alleged violation of the prohibition of discrimination on the basis of HTW Berlin’s Anti-Discrimination Directive (§ 2) here in the event that members of HTW Berlin or third parties are or were involved. This is possible either anonymously or by name, either by those affected or by witnesses.

Safety Concept of HTW Berlin for the Prevention and Handling of Sexualised Discrimination and Violence (SDV)

The Safety Concept [PDF] is based on three pillars: counselling, prevention and reporting and complaint procedures. It regulates the rights of affected persons and of people under suspicion as well as the basic principles, responsibilities and procedures in the event of incidents of sexualised discrimination and violence. It also contains an Action Plan for 2023 to 2025. Building on the Safety Concept, offers for the different target groups will be implemented in the coming months, with a particular emphasis on affected persons, supporters and superiors, in order to provide precise information and to ensure clear and transparent case management.

Anti-Discrimination Office

The Anti-Discrimination Office organises campaigns, acts as an advisory centre, is the contact point for reporting cases of discrimination and receives complaints. You can contact the Anti-Discrimination Office via E-mail:

Meryem Yildiz
 +49 30 5019-2415
 Reporting and Complaint Management
Zentrales Referat-VI "Gleichstellung & Antidiskriminierung"

Anti-Discrimination Council

The Anti-Discrimination Council – consisting of members of the University Board, the Staff Council and the student body, the full-time Equal Opportunities Officer for Women, the Disability Representative and other individuals – draws up the Action Plan, which is valid for two years at a time. The Council shall advise committees and commissions as well as management staff.

Student advisory services

Advisory services for all other member groups