Prof. Dr. phil. Jürgen Radel

Portrait von Prof. Dr. phil. Jürgen Radel
 +49 30 5019-2645
Campus Treskowallee
TA Gebäude C , 737
Treskowallee 8
10318 Berlin

Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet

Change-Management, Organizational Behavior,
Executive Advisory & Coaching (INSEAD ICC 4 & ACG 1; TIHR),
Interpersonal and Group Dynamics


Change-Management (Resistance to Change)
Social System Dynamics
Executive Coaching (INSEAD ICC 4 & ACG 1 and Tavistock Institute of Human Relations certified)




In 2004 Juergen Radel earned his M.A. in economic pedagogy, economic/social history and psychology at the Technical University of Aachen (RWTH), Germany. After the completion of his studies he started working in a family owned, global company where he gained experience in various fields of human resources (HR). He focused onto change management, training and development, diagnostics and HR controlling.

After having worked in the USA he was responsible for HR Marketing & Campus Recruiting, as well as for the support of all international subsidiaries and their General Managers. 

He finished his PhD (Dr. phil.) besides his full-time industry position in 2010, at the University of Bremen, in an international PhD program. 

Between 2011 and 2013 he had been authorized representative (Prokurist) in the Human Resources department of a global logistics service provider. His responsibility included multiple single companies in 20 different countries, mainly in Asia and the Americas. During the time in the company he dealt most of the time with the HR support of the Board and the Managing Directors abroad. Other topics were HR strategy, change management and leadership development. 

Aside the full-time positions in different companies he also worked as a consultant and gained experience in growing companies as well as with restructuring companies. Organizations he has worked with, in different contexts, include Accenture, Daimler, Google, SAP, PayPal, Siemens, EY, Rheinmetall and many more.  

He continually broadens his knowledge and continued his education in institutions like the London Business School, IMD, INSEAD, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations and the National Training Laboratories (NTL). While while working with different international target groups he is combining practical experience and theoretical frameworks, mainly focussing on a systems psychodynamic approach. 

In 2013 he was appointed Professor for Human Resources and Department Head of HR at the International School of Management (ISM). He also was appointed Professor of Economics and Human Resources at the HTW, University of Applied Sciences in Berlin, Germany.

In 2023 Juergen was appointed professional member of the NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science. He is a Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) and INSEAD certified executive coach for individuals and groups. 

Infos zur Lehre

In most of my classes, I am using an experiential learning approach. Please make yourself familiar with the specific requirements and contents via the module description and the information on individual course websites.

For students interested in pursuing their thesis under my supervision, it is crucial to discuss this with me during my consultation hours. I strongly advise against last-minute consultations, as these can lead to challenging scenarios where I may be unable to supervise your thesis or the specific topic you have in mind. Please note that I am unable to respond to supervision requests via email. Early and direct engagement during consultation hours is the best approach to ensure a smooth and successful thesis experience.


As a dedicated educator and researcher, I am committed to providing you with the best possible guidance and support. However, due to the high volume of emails I receive, it has become increasingly challenging to respond to each one promptly. I value your inquiries and the importance of timely communication, but please be aware that I may not be able to address every email individually.

For more immediate or detailed assistance, I encourage you to meet with me personally during my office hours. These sessions are a great opportunity for us to engage in in-depth discussions and address your specific questions and concerns. Please note that my office hours are in high demand and slots tend to fill up quickly. To ensure that you secure a meeting time, I recommend booking as early as possible. This approach will help avoid disappointment and ensure that we have the chance to connect.

Relevant information about your thesis supervision can be found here:

Consultation hours are offered via Zoom. Please check this website for updates.

Please book your slot here:

If no Calendly availability is visible, please wait. The page will be updated. When you have booked a slot for consultation via Calendly and you can not attend, cancel your booking asap to open the slot again for others.

During the semester: Please check this website, at the day of the consultation hour, prior to your visit due to a possible change of the schedule.

Due to the short nature of the individual sessions, please come well prepared to each session, to maximize the benefit of the consultation.

Aktuelle Themen für BA und MA Arbeiten

  • Use of painting as a reflective practice
  • Emotionale Ansteckung (in Gruppen)
  • Cortisol Fatigue and decision making under stress
  • Transition rituals and change-management
  • Dark Side of Coaching: Impact of coaching on Coaches
  • Presence in coaching 
  • Change Readiness (emotional and social aspects)
  • Anwendung des PANAS Instrumentes im Rahmen von Gruppendynamischen Trainings
  • Dependency and Authority

Funktion und Organisationseinheit

  • General Management (M) FW
  • International Business (M)
  • Zentrum für berufsbegleitendes und weiterbildendes Studium (ZE ZbwS)
  • Fachbereich 3: Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften
  • Betriebswirtschaftslehre (B)
  • Arbeits- und Personalmanagement (M)
    Hochschullehrer_in, Prüfungsausschuss - Vorsitzende_r