Auralisation of acoustic heritage sites using Augmented and Virtual Reality (AURA)


The project AURA will pioneer a novel acoustic experience of culture with auralisation as an innovative technology-based technique. Auralisation is a procedure designed to model and simulate the experience of acoustic phenomena rendered as a sound field in a virtualised space.

Virtual walks through 3D models created from real-world heritage sites have meanwhile become a common occurrence in many areas, offering a valuable alternative to the physical experience, e.g. in architecture, archaeology, art, or tourism. Lately, due to confinement rules in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, people have attended all kinds of acoustic-based events, such as concerts, theatre plays, seminars etc. with the help of streaming technologies.

AURA will merge the digital acoustic experience with the 3D visual experience, creating a virtual soundscape which will allow different stakeholders and target groups to experience sound exactly as it occurs in a specific physical environment or space. A person will be able to perceive the difference in acoustics at the back of a concert hall or in the first row in a church or the balcony of an opera house, or in the midst of the orchestra or on stage.

Creating 3D models from three sites with different acoustic conditions, this pilot project will explore the opportunities arising from auralisation techniques for different stakeholders and implementations:

  • For the artists i.e. the orchestras, soloists, singers, conductors, directors, choreographs, actors etc. by providing them a better understanding of the acoustics of the spaces they perform in.
  • For the audience e.g. aficionados of wanting to experience certain music in different halls or theatres.
  • For the culture and tourist market e.g. new ways of monetising digital events, or using auralised spaces to enhance their marketing strategies or ticket sales.
  • For architects: introducing new knowledge for students specialising in acoustic construction.

The project partners will collaborate with their distinct expertise in creating and carrying out the experiment, involving stakeholder groups covering the above-mentioned perspectives to identify new values for creative production, aural experience and culture industries with the use of cutting-edge technology.


01.01.2021 - 31.12.2022






Berliner Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit

Konzerthaus Berlin

Lviv Polytechnisch National University


Tourist Development Centre of the City of Lviv

Università degli Studi di Firenze

Vie Ingegneria


