Enhancing Diversity, Inclusion and Social Cohesion through Practices of Sharing in Housing and Public Space (ProSHARE)


Within the framework of the large influx of migrants and refugees in recent years, debates about the future of European cities have referred to problems such as housing shortages, gentrification, segregation as well as unrest, protest, and violence. There have also been, however, expressions of solidarity and care across different social milieus and nationalities.

Building on these, the project explores

  1. the forms and conditions in which practices of sharing in the field of housing and public space take place in socially mixed neighbourhoods in different European cities and
  2. the potential and limits of these practices for fostering participation and collaboration between diverse populations, including migrant and non-migrant communities.

The underlying assumption is that practices of sharing can contribute to reduce space competition, enhance diversity in the urban space by civic engagement and community building and in the long term, contribute to social cohesion.

The project is structured in four phases.

  1. partners will share and compare their ongoing and previous research results.
  2. as extension of the ongoing StadtTeilen project a transnational research will be conducted across eight European cities (i.e. Berlin-Stuttgart-Kassel, Vienna, Uppsala-Stockholm, London-Paris).
  3. ‘‘Practices of Sharing - Labs’ will be implemented in four selected neighbourhoods.
  4. outcomes of the project will be examined and disseminated within and beyond the research consortium.


01.05.2021 - 30.06.2022




Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung BMBF


  • Institute for Housing and Urban Research (IBF)
  • KTH School of Architecture
  • Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
  • School of Architecture
  • University of London
  • University of Sheffield, Goldsmiths
  • Uppsala University


JPI Urban Europe