Risk Management Practices of Scottish, Chinese and German Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: A cross-country study


There has been a paucity of research concerning the current state of risk management (RM) in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). Literature searched by the authors has revealed that there are few cross-country studies directly relating to RM in SMEs. The research project is the first of its type with an extensive empirical study into the status of RM in SMEs. The cross-country study investigates whether cultural differences have an influence on the firms’ RM practices. Exploring these questions will provide a clearer understanding of the personal and organizational factors that have influenced the risk management practices of SMEs in the respective countries. This study also seeks to address the influence that the perception of environmental uncertainty has on the risk management efforts in SMEs. The investigation is carried out via a Web-based survey of Scottish, Chinese and German SMEs, followed-up by in-depth research interviews.


10.02.2010 - 10.02.2011



  • Edinburgh Napier University, UK

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